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Webinar Wednesday Base Icon_FINAL_Rounded_Montag

Spend an hour with SIMA on our free quarterly webinars. All webinars begin at noon EST / 11 am CST. RSVP required.

Special event:

New year, new forecast: Is snow FINALLY coming?

Forecast models are lining up for what should bring a welcome sight for many snow professionals on the East Coast and Midwest this weekend. SIMA has invited the WeatherWorks meteorologists to discuss and answer your questions live.

Recording available through 1/5/24.  Click link below for more.

August 28

Protect your snow team from external threats

Michael Wagner, CSP, ASM, Designscapes Colorado

In the snow removal industry, we preach the importance of safety, whether it's wearing the proper personal protective equipment, working in and around equipment and materials, and on site in hazardous conditions. Unfortunately, working a winter storm may not be the most hazardous situation your team finds itself in. Designscapes Colorado's Michael Wagner, CSP, ASM will share other threats that your company should be prepared for—from guns, drugs, criminal activity and more.

April 24

Speakers coming soon


Additional webinars will be held on August 28 and October 23 ... more information coming soon!

October 23

Speakers coming soon



January 24

Team Check - how are they holding up?

Angela Cenzalli, B-Mentors Consulting & Wellness Group

It’s midseason and whether you’ve had several events or are still waiting, it’s a good idea to evaluate your team. How’s morale? Are you looking for signs of burnout? Does anyone need refresher training? Angela will use her experience as a snow and ice management professional and a wellness consultant to share how to keep your team firing on all cylinders during the winter season.

April 24

Postseason risk review

Jack Demski, Ansay & Associates
Patrick McGuiness, Zlimen & McGuiness, PLLC

By late April, we’ll have put the winter season to bed and will be immersed in spring cleanups. But your winter work isn’t finished. In addition to preparing your equipment for storage, conducting postseason site reviews and debriefing with your teams, you need to take a close look at your contracts and insurance to insulate yourself from unnecessary risk.

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